This is Bobby's brain during fertility treatments...
This is my brain during fertility treatments...
Any questions?
As Miranda Lambert's mom says, "you got to hide your crazy". Well, this ain't your mamas hormones and it is hard as hell to hide this crazy!
The drugs that come with infertility is the part I dread most, well its a close second to aunt flo making an appearance when she clearly was not invited to the party.
Imagine sitting there thinking about round objects (read my blog "suggestion box" if you don't get this reference) then all of the sudden a triangle with 3 pointy sides pop up. The more you try not to think about it, the more triangles appear. This is like a hormone injection. The more you think about not going crazy, the more you go crazy.
Imagine sitting there thinking about round objects (read my blog "suggestion box" if you don't get this reference) then all of the sudden a triangle with 3 pointy sides pop up. The more you try not to think about it, the more triangles appear. This is like a hormone injection. The more you think about not going crazy, the more you go crazy.
These drugs are designed to make you hate everyone and everything. I believe the drug companies partner with lawyers just in case your crazy goes overboard and you end up killing someone, most likely your husband because he is eating his kale chips too loudly. I really try hard to understand that these drugs give you the hormones you need to make a person, but why do they have to also make you certifiable? I try and keep my crazy to a minimum when out in public so naturally my husband wants to go out every minute of the day. Bike rides, long walks, eating, Wait... this sounds oddly familiar. I tell clients everyday they need to exercise their dog to wear the crazy out of them. Hmm, I better call that lawyer.
But honestly, Bobby has been great with my hormonal changes. We have been through this many times before so he knows just when to shut it and when to comfort and when to call my mom. He hasn't done the latter yet, that I know of, but my mom is always there when he or I need to call. She's the one person who will help me put things in perspective or just tell me to start acting like a lady and help me hide my crazy.
The moral of this story; there is a reason why woman are crazy, apparently we were designed that way. Its literally in our blood. Thank God I am normally lacking these vital hormones, cause I think if I had to live like this all of the time, I would have to be admitted. I certainly hope if I ever get pregnant this will not continue, I really do not want to have to raise little Johnny in prison without a father. But, thank goodness this part doesn't last long, and I will hopefully be back to my normal self soon. I know this is will all be worth it. To be continued...
But honestly, Bobby has been great with my hormonal changes. We have been through this many times before so he knows just when to shut it and when to comfort and when to call my mom. He hasn't done the latter yet, that I know of, but my mom is always there when he or I need to call. She's the one person who will help me put things in perspective or just tell me to start acting like a lady and help me hide my crazy.
The moral of this story; there is a reason why woman are crazy, apparently we were designed that way. Its literally in our blood. Thank God I am normally lacking these vital hormones, cause I think if I had to live like this all of the time, I would have to be admitted. I certainly hope if I ever get pregnant this will not continue, I really do not want to have to raise little Johnny in prison without a father. But, thank goodness this part doesn't last long, and I will hopefully be back to my normal self soon. I know this is will all be worth it. To be continued...