About ME


UPDATED 9/1/22

While all of the below is true, my husband and I divorced and I am now putting vodka in my lemonade and making a life of my own. Finding myself on this crazy journey we call life. 

I grew up in Columbus, Ohio with my parents and older brother. My mom has always said that she knew I would be a social worker from the time I was 3. It started with animals, saving them, and wanting to bring every cat or dog I found home with me because I felt so bad for them. I hated to see anyone get picked on or treated unfairly. Yep, I was born to be a social worker.

After meeting my husband, my focus turned to work with amputees and people with disabilities. It fills my soul to help others realize their true potential. Sometimes, you do not realize your own strength until you are faced with something that you never thought you could handle.

In 2009 Bobby and I moved to Florida. As close as I am to my family this was a long hard decision we had to make together. One of our first "big decisions" as a married couple. It was scary, exciting and crazy all wrapped into one. We love it here but I miss my family every day and still struggle to find the balance.

I love a good book and being outside. There is no better feeling than finishing a 5k or a team triathlon.  I struggle with my weight yet love the active lifestyle that we lead. That is another balancing act. But although I have extra weight, I am healthy. Big girls can be active too!

I have struggled with my weight all of my life, so when I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility I automatically assumed it was because of my weight. And before doing any tests my gynecologist agreed. Making me feel like a failure, which did not help my self-esteem. (side note: we did not stay with that gynecologist long). After going to my amazing infertility specialist and doing many many tests, my weight was ruled out as a cause of infertility. Although my weight was ruled out it forced me to look at my lifestyle and helped me to get healthy. I believe that we all learn something from our bad experiences so I guess that I can thank that judgmental gyno for pushing me to prove her wrong and be a better version of myself.

I have been thinking about writing a blog for a while about all of our adventures and keeping my close family and friends updated on all of our Sunshine and Lemonade moments in life. I decided to start today because tomorrow we start the process of public adoption. I am scared, excited, anxious, gitty, frightened. Did I mention scared? You only hear about the really good or the really bad (usually the ladder). But I want to talk about the truth of public adoption. My truth I should say, the good and the bad.

The lemons are in the juicer and we are ready to make amazing lemonade.